App (Default): Cerb: 80 Druid
App (Default): Cerb: 80 Druid
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Name: Cerb
Class: Druid
Race: Tauren
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself.
College graduate working full-time, revisiting WoW after some time off from the game.

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
Eternity seems like a cohesive team of players who manage to balance progression and sanity.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
I was a core raid member of the first Horde guild on Grizzly Hills (One Shot) to clear Naxxramas, OS+3 drakes, Maly, and Ulduar.

I was personally there for most of those encounters.

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
Every day after 6pm server.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?
Dwigtschrute? LOL, but seriously, he's a strong applicant and I've raided with him for years. Also, he's pretty pro with an AWP.

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
One Shot on Grizzly Hills - Didn't really leave the guild, I just quit the game for a while for personal reasons.

The Guardians on Grizzly Hills - This was a casual guild with some friends from other MMO's. I was the Raid Leader for this group in order to teach them how to handle WotLK content, but I eventually wanted to migrate to a more serious progression guild...

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
Yep, completely. I have alts so I can keep myself entertained if I don't get a spot.

Depends on my healing assignments and the fight in question, but I usually toss lifeblooms on the tank, wild growth on the melee dps, and spot heal as needed, using Nourish, Regrowth, Rejuv, etc

most wanted upgrades
I just wanna play.

Gears not too great but main problem is we have 6 healers that are on almost every night for raids so not sure we have room for another at this time.

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142 Unique Guild Members
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