App (Apply): Dearagony: 80 Paladin
App (Apply): Dearagony: 80 Paladin
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Name: Dearagony
Class: Paladin
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
I like basketball, watching movies, and playing wow.
Dale: “Did you touch my drumset?”
Brennan: “Nope.”
Dale: “Why are you so sweaty?”
Brennan: “I was watching cops.”
Stepbrothers <3

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
Looking for a good raiding guild bc im tired of doing pugs and having fail groups i want to actually be able to go through icc without failing.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
i know ToC, VOA, ONY, and i have 8/12 experiance in normal mode icc.

Armory Link: (required)

Raid Availablity: list days and times
Monday after 9pm eastern time wednesday after 9pm thursday after 9pm friday and saturday after 10pm sunday im usually free unless i get called into work.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who?
Yes, Forhlol

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving.
Someone Once Said - was a guild of friends and it just kind of got old and fell apart while waiting on people to level when i wanted to be raiding.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?

Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking the Lich King fight.
Well to be honest i dont know the lich king fight since i have never had a good enough guild / raid group to get me there to be able to learn it. So i can explain my role on the fight against Professor Putricide. Phase 1 stack on boss and dps till a green slime spawns. After is spawns stack on the person who it targets, then back to dpsing the boss till an orange slime spawns if im targeted i have to kite it around the room until the rest of the raid kills it. If im not targeted i simply dps the slime until its dead. In Phase 2 he will begin to drop orange flasks which i avoid along with the green bouncing slime balls. Continue to dps while avoiding all of this until phase 3. In phase 3 i use all my dps cooldowns and avoid the slime pools since the abom cannot soak them up anymore. Continue to dps boss while doing this until hes down.

What is your Gearscore? Also, tell us about your stat priorities.
my gs is 5816 and right now my stats are kind of messed up bc of a really high hit rating but ive just been working on upgrading my gear and trying to get better pieces and the pieces that i have come across just happend to stack hit. i want to work towards getting more haste and expertise rating and droping some of the hit.

Most wanted upgrade?
right now my most wanted upgrade would have to be DBW or any sanctified mark.

Do you have any logs?

Have you read and understood the rules?

Don't really have room for another ret pally atm and you don't have Tuesday free according to your raid availability and thats one of our biggest raid nights as far as killing bosses goes.

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