App (Apply): Horinmaru: 80 Death Knight
App (Apply): Horinmaru: 80 Death Knight
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Name: Horinmaru
Class: Death Knight
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
I like Japanese and currently learning the language. I am a unique just like every 1 else xp

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
To raid in wrath and eventually Cata.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
I raided during BC i ran Kara,Mags,Grulls, ZA,Hyjal,BT. IN wrath I raided Naxx25,OS25,VOA25,EOE25,TOC10/25 ICC 10 I have killed 11/12 bosses and I am very familiar with LK. In ICC 25 I have killed 9/12 with 10/12 familiarity. I have down plague Dream walker and blood princes.

Armory Link: (required)

Raid Availablity: list days and times
I can raid Monday-Thursday most days except Tuesday/Wednesday for now. I will be free I just have class during the day. Raiding will be at night for me so It shouldn't conflict. I can raid Sundays as well. Fridays and Saturdays are issues due to the fact I am a religious Jew.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who?

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving.
Amon Amarth. I was out of town for 8months. Rock the Casbah (Eredar) The guild leader ninjaed the G bank and disbanded the guild and went horde. (thats where I got my ICC exp)

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
Yes I understand I have to work my way into raider status.

Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking the Lich King fight.
Ok lets talk LK 10 man. I would start off blowing all cds if/when i get plague i run to adds get cleansed. rinse and repeat to 70% transition phase 1. I would dps raging spirits till there dead. The last spirit would be hard to down on the edge and would have to be rearranged near LK. I would spread out for defiled. (the the hell out of it.) The i would dks valks and move on to LK. 40% new transition phase. Run to the edge wait for platform to come back dps raging spirits. Phase 3 starts I would stay out of defiled as usual. I would DPS LK, AOE vile spirits kill the mobs attacking LK's father if i get sucked into frostmourn.

What is your Gearscore? Also, tell us about your stat priorities.
5800. Well I am mainly stacking STR. However hit rating comes 1st and and expertise. However The gear I have has proven to be hard managing all the Hit/expertise I have. I can get so much of one stat getting them and keeping them at cap is hard. Right now I am 1-3 hit rating under cap and I have 257 hit rating my chance to hit is 7.84%. I have 15 expertise over cap. That is bugging me a lot. Its from my weapon mostly. I have a total 41 expertise which is 10.25% to reduce parry/dodge attacks. I need a new weapon to bring expertise under control. I have a hit weapon but i dont want to be insanely over hit cap.

Most wanted upgrade?
I am leaning to a new weapon. Other then that bracers or a better trinc then badge one. I much would prefer Whispering fang skull to Herkuml war Token. It just replaced a hit trinc that was putting me over hit cap.

Do you have any logs?
Left Blank

Have you read and understood the rules?
No considering I couldnt find the rules. I would if i can.

we will get back to you within 24 hours


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