App (Apply): Pòundit: 80 Shaman | |||||||||||
Officer Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 236 Threads: 236 Private Posts: 0 |
Name: Pòundit
Class: Shaman Race: Tauren Level: 80 Email: Age 24 Tell us about yourself and say something funny. I enjoy raping alliance then go into wolf form to hump them, I take a screen shot of every victim lol. What is your interest in joining Eternity? The guild has great progression from what i can see. I would like to down LK and then continue doing heroics modes and so on. Also when the new expansion comes out I feel it would be a great guild to learn the new instances with hopefully getting some realm first maybe... What prior raiding experience do you have? I started playing wow about this time last year so I skipped all of nax and ulduar, but I have a ton of experience in TOC as well as ICC. I know every fight in TOC and I know every fight other than LK in ICC. Armory Link: (required) Raid Availablity: list days and times Any day anytime just need to know when to show up, but I'm usually on. Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who? Not that Im aware of Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving. Unit- I got hacked and wasnt able to play for a month. When i got back I was completely demoted and raiding with people that should have been doing TOC not ICC so they always ended after saurfang 10 and 25m. So I decided to pug and left the guild shortly after. Also wasn't a huge fan of loot council. Reunion Squad- I joined them shortly after because my brother was in there guild and they were progression decently. Well there was a huge in guild fight as far as I know and the majority of there core raiders left. From what I saw in the short time i was there was lack of communication and organization. Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this? Yes Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking the Lich King fight. I have yet to fight the LK. So I think the best fight I can pick would be Lord Jaraxxus in TOC25 I know its and easy fight, but for me its intense. I have to purge the boss buffs, windshear to interrupt spell casting, dps down the volcano's and portals while trying to pull 10k dps on the boss. What is your Gearscore? Also, tell us about your stat priorities. My gearscore atm is at 5901. My first priorities is to be hit and expertise capped, after that I stack 20ap 10haste gems Stark ametrines. Most wanted upgrade? Abomination in a Jar Do you have any logs? I don't think so... Have you read and understood the rules? Sure have
Accepted Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 103 Threads: 9 Private Posts: 1 Character(s) Arthando(85) Nokem(85) Visaron(80) Enddk(58) Endario(16) |
jaraxxus is the hardest fight you can explain to us? --
Admin Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 498 Threads: 78 Private Posts: 72 Character(s) azrealls(100) phagemage(100) Bélla(100) |
Accepted Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 103 Threads: 9 Private Posts: 1 Character(s) Arthando(85) Nokem(85) Visaron(80) Enddk(58) Endario(16) |
you have the 10 man Professor kill...why are enhance shamans on the lower end of the dps meters for this fight? --
Admin Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 498 Threads: 78 Private Posts: 72 Character(s) azrealls(100) phagemage(100) Bélla(100) |
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