App (Apply): Guylebrown: 80 Mage
App (Apply): Guylebrown: 80 Mage
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Name: Guylebrown
Class: Mage
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
I'm currently a full-time university student that works part-time on the weekends. I see myself as pretty social and really easy to get along with. I can't thing of anything funny to just incorporate so I'm going to tell a joke instead:

What do jellybeans and people have in common?

Nobody likes the black ones.

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
Transferred off Dark iron about three months ago and just transferred back. Want to make myself part of a guild that is progressing further into ICC especially hard modes. Since my last "hardcore raiding" guild disbanded a long time ago I've been keeping a low profile just doing 10 ICC heroics with friends instead of joining other guilds. Now I want to get back into the structured raiding life and I've known the name Eternity since BC and I just happened to notice you were looking for a mage.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
Started the game in BC pretty late and raided T4 raids post-nerf and did a little Tempest Keep. In wrath I hit 80 almost right away and started the raiding game right after with progression through Naxx, not much of Ulduar, but same as release night downings of TOC 25. Also progression raiding through ICC upto about 6/12. Then stopped 25 man raiding and stuck with 10 man ICC reg and some heroic progression. Pugged a 25 ICC once and made it 10/12.

Armory Link: (required)

Raid Availablity: list days and times
I'm available Monday-Thursday in the evenings after 4 pm ST. I have Fridays open as well but as I posted above I'm pretty social and like to go out. Also on nights that raids aren't happening I'll be doing the same.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who?
Unfortunately no.

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving.
Victorious Secret- They disbanded shortly after achieving 6/12 in ICC. I stayed with the core 10 group for a bit for 10 ICC progression.
Mexican Morman Mafia- a guild on another server I sort of helped run with a RL friend. Mostly focused on 10 man heroics.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
I'm interested in helping a guild progress and doing what is necessary to make that happen. While I prefer to be on the front lines, I understand that I'd need to sit out sometimes in order for the guild to progress.

Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking the Lich King fight.
In the Lich King fight (10 man) aside from DPSing and working around normal fight mechanics I'm usually the one assigned to downing the frost orb things in the transition phases. That's really it compared to all the other DPS. The rest of the fight I just DPS and avoid things like Defile, run to adds for the necrotic plague, and DPS down valkyr.

What is your Gearscore? Also, tell us about your stat priorities.
I currently have a 5.9k gs. More specifically I have 4/5 Sanctified Tier 10 and the rest is all 264 gear except one of my trinkets and wand.

For stats I prioritize crit over haste, mainly because I am fire specced and crit rating helps more than haste does for us. Also I am hit capped for 14% hit, and when there is no boomkin or shadow priest in the raid I carry a hit trinket with me to make up the other 3%.

Most wanted upgrade?
Something other than my stupid Sundial of the Exiled...while it would be nice to get Phylactery of the Nameless Lich or even Dislodged Foreign Object, I'd settle for even just getting lucky in a random 25 TOC and finally get Reign.

Do you have any logs?
Unfortunately for me, I don't really know how to do WWS or WMO or whatever else nor do I have any saved Recount records, but I would love to just get the chance to prove myself in a raid setting before just getting shut down.

Have you read and understood the rules?
Read them twice. Understand them fully.

will respond by end of night

Find an officer online for an invite and hope to see you on for raid.

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