App (Apply): Zexeus: 80 Paladin | |||||||||||
Officer Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 236 Threads: 236 Private Posts: 0 |
Name: Zexeus
Class: Paladin Race: Blood Elf Level: 80 Email: Age 20 Tell us about yourself and say something funny. I'm canadian (is that funny?), and a College student. I'm trying to get into Law so yea i'm pretty busy with that but even so, i guarantee atleast a 90% raid attendance and if I can't make it to raid i'll give plenty of notice. The spec i'm using in the link is a holy/ret spec, now normally i go holy/prot but in the previous guild i was in there was nother holy paladin with holy/prot and a prot paladin alreayd so i decided to take the little crit instead of taking talents that would have been useless to have because of the other 2 paladins. What is your interest in joining Eternity? I'm looking for a guild to join to raid, and raid on a structured schedule that has members actually showing up for raids, this was a big problem for my old guild. What prior raiding experience do you have? I started late TBC so i only raided Kara and Mag's lair really from that time. I didn't get really into it untill WOTLK where I helped my guild progress through Naxx 10/25 EoE 10/25 OS 10/25, and a bit of Ulduar. Except early ulduar a took a break and came back late Toc, and I am 12/12 10m icc, 7/12 H 10m icc, 10/12 25m icc. Armory Link: (required) Raid Availablity: list days and times Sun-Thurs from 5st -12 st. Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who? Nope Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving. <dollars> my brother and I moved to this guild because his RL friend was running it, it got disbanded shortly after however. <Mexican Morman Mafia> I left because it had it's problems with members not showing up, bad raid awareness, etc, I got fed up with it and felt that I need to go somewhere else where I can utilize my skills a lot more. Also the GM rage quit on the guild. Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this? This is fine, I understand that there can not always be a spot for me, I am here to help the guild progress and make it one of the best if not the best on the server. Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking the Lich King fight. Since you asked for the LK fight, here is what I do as a Holy paladin. Mainly heal the tank general through beacon and sacred shield and spam Holy light. During first phase i'm usually the one cleansing Necrotice plague so i give the whoever has it 4 seconds, and then dispell it. For infest I find Holy shock to be pretty usefull, normally I think its useless but having an instant cast heal is awesome for infet. Another thing I could do i normally don't however is popping aura mastery + shadow resistance aura during infest to help with some of the damage. For transition phase I usually pop Aura master + frost resis aura to help mitigate the frost dmg, and I cleanse constantly to help the silence. For Valk'yrs in 3rd phase i try and pop Holy wrath to give Dps more time to slow or do whatever to the valks before they fly off. For Defile again Holy shock becomes usefull again, because i have to constantly keep moving I can atleast heal a bit while I do so. When soul reaper occurs i just beacon one tank and spam holy light like crazy on the other, I want to max my hps as much as i can for the entire fight yes but mostly for this part also, I also find popping divine sacrifice/hand of sacrifice especially usefull on this part. Vile spirits is also another great time to pop Aura mastery + SRA or divine sacrifice also to help with the damage. But for the most part other than what i've said I spam holy light on the tanks trying to max my HPS for the entire fight and not letting tanks die/ also throw some heals out in the raid also. O yea and if i get put into the frostmourne I heal arthas' dad and stun the little shadow mobs. What is your Gearscore? Also, tell us about your stat priorities. 5968 Holy gearscore, Stat priorities are Intellect most important, followed by crit then haste, then spell and mp5. Most wanted upgrade? Heroic 277 Royal scepter of Terenes II Do you have any logs? Unfortunately I do not. Have you read and understood the rules? Yes I have.
Accepted Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 103 Threads: 9 Private Posts: 1 Character(s) Arthando(85) Nokem(85) Visaron(80) Enddk(58) Endario(16) |
If intellect is your most important stat why do you have 2 sp trinkets? --
Accepted Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 30 Threads: 0 Private Posts: 0 Character(s) Murron(96) Murrs(80) Aslin(64) |
I have a few questions, Can you explain your choice in libram? Why is your holy build holy/ret instead of holy/prot, I know multiple heroic fights that need more than one bubble sac so I just don't understand the logic? --
Member Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 249 Threads: 47 Private Posts: 18 Character(s) Zurq(100) Waveoffail(100) Urliq(100) Skurz(95) Skur(63) Moraya(61) Sourk(30) Merq(18) (retired) |
Yea gotta agree with Murron here, bubble sac is crucial in so many ICC 25 fights, especially HMs.
Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 0 Threads: 0 Private Posts: 0 Character(s) Lexeaus(85) |
The libram is my bad, I'm assuming that because when I trasnfered the Equipment Manager was reset, I had to manually equip my Holy gear on. I accidently got the wrong one from the Bank, I normally use the 200 Libram of Renewal, decreasing Holy Light cost. As for my trinkets, I only logged out using those to make my gearscore closer to 6k to make myself feel better, I normally use the 245 Talisman of Resurgence (+128 Intell) for raiding, with either the 200 intell trink from Toc, or Althor's or Silver of Pure ice whichever depending if I feel I need mana or not. Lastly my spec, I agree with you, I am normally Holy/prot all the way, the holy/ret became lame after the illumination patch. Anyways I'm only that spec right now becasue in my previous guild the raid leader told me to go holy/ret because we had another Holy paladin that was in the prot tree, and 2 other ret paladins who also had divine sacrifice/guardian so the raid leader told me to go into Ret because it'd be useless, and when I argued against him he said, and I quote, "do you want to raid, or get kicked?" - Somepoorguy. So I just changed it and sat there quietly.
Accepted Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 103 Threads: 9 Private Posts: 1 Character(s) Arthando(85) Nokem(85) Visaron(80) Enddk(58) Endario(16) |
Accepted Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 30 Threads: 0 Private Posts: 0 Character(s) Murron(96) Murrs(80) Aslin(64) |
I saw you changed the libram, but are the 2 trinkets what you use? Also I know you have some hardmode experience from 10 man, but when I look at the dates they are pretty recent, have you only done them once? --
Admin Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 498 Threads: 78 Private Posts: 72 Character(s) azrealls(100) phagemage(100) Bélla(100) |
Member Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 249 Threads: 47 Private Posts: 18 Character(s) Zurq(100) Waveoffail(100) Urliq(100) Skurz(95) Skur(63) Moraya(61) Sourk(30) Merq(18) (retired) |
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