App (Apply): Mithun: 80 Warrior | |||||||||||
Officer Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 236 Threads: 236 Private Posts: 0 |
Name: Mithun
Class: Warrior Race: Tauren Level: 80 Email: Age 25 Tell us about yourself and say something funny. I'm moving from Korea to Wisconsin to Missouri to Seattle and am looking for a raiding guild I can be active in once I reach my final destination (February 2010). I took November off due to being hacked, Starcraft II, and a broken videocard. What is your interest in joining Eternity? Raiding (10 man preferred) and mature guild bonding (aka making online friends). What prior raiding experience do you have? Look at my achievements on Zalajin (Nagrand) and Mithun. Zalajin is my main and I haven't transferred him over yet. I can heal, tank, and rdps (don't melee dps on my warrior at a high enough dps). Shaman Healing/DPS: Cleared ICC (DPS I haven't killed but know Sindy and LK) Warrior Tanking: Everthing but Sindy and LK Mage: 6/12. Armory Link: (required) Raid Availablity: list days and times No earlier than 7pm EST. Prefer weekdays evenings. I play late. Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who? Nope Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving. Ladies Knights (Nagrand): I no longer live in the Korea time zone so I can't raid with them. I switched servers to fit my raiding goals. Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this? Sure, but don't complain if I pug it elsewhere. Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking the Lich King fight. Adder in the Barrens. Take off all my gear, then taunt it. Go to the bathroom, prepare and eat a sandwich, watch some TV, see if its 1 dmg bite has killed me before I automatically log out. If not relog in and demolish it with all my might. J/K Rotface Charge! Don't move for the rest of the fight! Spam thunderclap, shield slam, shockwave, and heroic strike while watching people fail at kiting the ooze. When the ooze explodes pop shieldwall, last stand, or another CD. After a while die and then explain to the group why we died. Redo as many times as needed until people start leaving. I'm not making a good impression am I? What is your Gearscore? Also, tell us about your stat priorities. 5815 on Mithun. 5996 on Zalajin. Celas (my mage I rarely play) Most wanted upgrade? Cataclysm or 25 Man ICC Tokens Do you have any logs? Stacked outback of my cabin, winters coming so I have to stockpile it to keep my house warm! Have you read and understood the rules? I think so.
Accepted Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 103 Threads: 9 Private Posts: 1 Character(s) Arthando(85) Nokem(85) Visaron(80) Enddk(58) Endario(16) |
Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 0 Threads: 0 Private Posts: 0 |
I've been a Warcraft player since Warcraft 2. I love fantasy themed games and Blizzard products since I was growing up. WoW is fun, challenging, semi-social, and saves me money when in other cases I would be drinking or spending my money on easy women! Wait, I do anyway...
Admin Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 498 Threads: 78 Private Posts: 72 Character(s) azrealls(100) phagemage(100) Bélla(100) |
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