App (Apply): Bellfast: 85 Priest
App (Apply): Bellfast: 85 Priest
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Name: Bellfast
Class: Priest
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 85

Is this app to get promoted to raider rank?


What is your interest in joining Eternity?
to raid progress

Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
im a previous member from wrath

What prior raiding experience do you have?
everything in classic/bc/wrath
and magmaw in BWD

Armory Link: (required)

Raid Availablity: list days and times
4-11 server time any day

Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who?

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving.
darkiron mafia- they annoy and piss me off and then say they dont mean it..they lost theyre best healer in there guild. sucks for them
defiant(mal'ganis server) didnt raid during wrath even tho they said they do.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?

Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking a Cata fight.
magmaw- drop a LW where all ranged stand on. so they can help me out on group healing so i dont go oom as fast. move out of lava volcano or w/e its called that magmaw makes in the ranged groups. stay out of the way of the lil leeches he spawns and occasionally heal the kiter if needed..drop another LW in the ranged while the 2 guys jump on his head and chain him down so raid can mass dps him heal the raid up to full health pop SF on boss and HoH so i get all mana back. at this time he should be up again. rinse and repeat.

What is your Gearscore? Also, tell us about your stat priorities.
8150-ilvl 351

Most wanted upgrade?
chest. waiting on vp for tier peice. 900vp away from getting it

Do you have any logs?
no but i can get them

Have you read and understood the rules?

stat priorities dude? and you should have said that your applying to the guild as your funny cuz its hilarious... bellfast used to have the pally healer that got taken back from him.. and he actually leveled this toon this time lol.

oh god not u again..............


hit one of us up for an invite


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