App (Apply): Itchybomb: 85 Warrior
App (Apply): Itchybomb: 85 Warrior
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Name: Itchybomb
Class: Warrior
Race: Tauren
Level: 85

Is this app to get promoted to raider rank?


What is your interest in joining Eternity?
I got whisper from Trazzle, asking if i were interested in joining the raiding team.

Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
Im a pretty chill guy, with a big weiner?!? hahaha

What prior raiding experience do you have?
Im 10/12 in the Cataclysm content but have experienced on 12/12.

Armory Link: (required)

Raid Availablity: list days and times
Im off work for 2 months or so, im available for raid times.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who?
Already know Trazzle

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving.
I just xfered to follow real life friends.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
Yes , but i would certainly like to join the team!

Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking a Cata fight.
Magmaw : Often doing the chain duty's
Omnotron sytem : On interrupt duty's & also always helping on killing Spawning Ooze.
Maloriak : Interrupting duty's, Cleaving adds.

Also i would like to add that i know all strats.

tell us about your stat priorities?
Hit & Expertise then Critical stike.
Also watching my Mastery higher then 16%

Most wanted upgrade?
Shoulder's & Gloves , also wrist to remove the 3 last blue peices.

Do you have any logs?

What is your offspec? Is it raid viable? Will you switch to it to get a raid spot?
I have a tanking offspec , and its raid viable but my mainspec is fury

what is your item level

Have you read and understood the rules?

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142 Unique Guild Members
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