App (Default): pixarr: 80 Mage
App (Default): pixarr: 80 Mage
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Name: pixarr
Class: Mage
Race: Undead
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself.
I am currently a college student who likes to play wow on spare time.

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
I just left Thrust because of raid times, because of my classes. I recently found out that my rl friend Stickers just apped to you guys. Ive been playing wow for a while now and i kind of just want to kick back and play with friends.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
Downed all bosses in Nax, Ulduar, ToGc, and downed all bosses in ICC cept LK. Have insanity Achiev in togc and more.

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
Everyday after 8pm is fine with me

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
One More Boss- Wanted more progression
Thrust- Raid times changed and too stressful

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
Yes but i hope i get to raid with you guys. I can be a very solid mage dps pulling 7k with no cd's and 10k with cd's poped

The thing with arcane mages is that they are very easy to play, but when it comes to geming its a bit difficult, when i get new gear i literally sit there for an hour and study how i can get the most with my gear before i gem for anything. As an example for mages gemming should be SP>HASTE>CRIT but at the same time HASTE has to reach cap before anything. Mages who only gem for SP don't realize that although they are top at dps meters they dont realize their damage done. When it comes to end game raiding damage per second is useless compared to damage done because its useless if you blow up on the boss for a minute or two and the rest of the fight your just stuck at 4k deeps. I make sure that i gem in a way that not only when i need to pop cool downs i blow up but at the same time i gem in a way that i can keep a stable dps on the boss. One thing i learned being in Thrust from Bopcommander was changing your talent build according to your gear. Because the average arcane mage build have 3 points into arcane focus, but since i was over hit caps i took the taltents out i add it to arcane stability, because the dps of the mage gets slowed down by a lot when we are being damaged. Lets just say my Arcane Blast have a 1.6 cast time when i get damaged and get knocked back that 1.6 cast time becomes a 1.9 cast time. It doesnt seem much of a difference but if you look closer into it, the difference in the .3 sec is a matter of pulling a 7k dps to a 5k. Lower dps in the fight=less damage done overall. Therefore i build my talent according to my gear. Also some mages have a point in Magic Attunement which allows arcane skills 3yrds closer. I find this useless IMO because why add a point in that when you can just stand a bit closer. What i do is leave out that one point and add it to a PvP talent Slow. A lot of mages find this useless for pvp but i strongly disagree. Having a mage with Slow skill can make a ok fight on Deathbringer Saurfang to a great fight. Reason for that is when beast comes out you can cast slow on them, best part about this skill is that it has not cool down and you can cast it on as many targets as you want. The glyphs i use are: Arcane Blast, Glyph of Arcane Missiles, and Glyph of Molten Armor.
Do you raid to loot or loot to raid? I loot to progress, I progress for achievements, I achieve for my guilds reputation. As simple as that. GS means nothing

most wanted upgrades
I don't raid to loot.
I loot to raid


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