App (Default): Drakzu: 80 Shaman | |||||||||||
Officer Poster's IP: Logged Posts: 236 Threads: 236 Private Posts: 0 |
Name: Drakzu
Class: Shaman Race: Troll Level: 80 Email: age 21 Tell us about yourself. WELL, first off i love long walks on the beach, watching the sunset and drinking pinacoladas and getting caught in the rain. Also a soon to be College student, i sing on occations, and i like writing short stories. What is your interest in joining Eternity? All in all, a friend of mine recommended me to apply....also that same friend gave me your DKP website, instead of your Guild main website to apply to. all in all, i'm in it for the good times. What prior raiding experience do you have? I have PuGed all my raiding experiences, along with reserched info and videos from various sites. So far i have completed Onyxia(25m), Vault of Archavon(25m), Obsidian Sanctum(10m), Trial of the Champion(10m) Armory Link Raid Availablity please list days and times Monday through Friday from 8 server to the wee hours of the morning. I'm down like a clown charlie brown. Do you know anyone in Eternity? who? I know of Moonfright. His name is whispered through the mist's that surround the Argent Crusade breach inside of Icecrown hall....also, he know very little about linking sites. Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving first guild: lvling guild....had 5 members. Second guild: lvling guild.....Need something better to do than random heroics and PuG's. Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this? Sure. Other people have to gear right? rotation Instant chain lightning + trinkets, Flame shock, Lava Burst, Lightning bolt, chain lighting. rinse and repeat. most wanted upgrades (screw staffs)
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