App (Default): littlesushi: 80 Mage
App (Default): littlesushi: 80 Mage
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Name: littlesushi
Class: Mage
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself.
College student, sushi man, Love the out doors, Sports: volleyball, basketball, flag football, racing and Love video games!

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
Learn new strategies to progress my knowledge as a WOW character

What prior raiding experience do you have?
All 10 mans and 25 mans in Wraith of the Lich King except Uldar(6/14). Progression in Icc (5/12).

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
As of right now my schedule is Tues - Friday 6pm-12am
I am currently going to summer school until 06/11/2010 schedule will change later prior to new work schedule and school.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
Came from a PVE server Ravencrest, Server not very unpopulated, Guild progression was unsuccessful due to conflicts to life schedules and unavailable Public.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
Yes as long as there are raid runs available every week im all game. I'll try to make it to any raids when asked to.

varies on run

most wanted upgrades
Any as long as i get a chance to roll for them, which ever way is fair for the guild.

Looks pretty good, main thing is you really need to know fights up to and including Sindragosa because teaching ppl fights over and over is very tedious, as long as you know overall fight I can give you quick rundowns on how we specifically do it. Talk to me in-game on Urliq, Skur or Waveoffail.

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142 Unique Guild Members
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