App (Default): Gilaunis: 80 Priest
App (Default): Gilaunis: 80 Priest
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Name: Gilaunis
Class: Priest
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 80

15 ( very mature; does not talk in vent)

Tell us about yourself.
(Disc priest)I am a mature 15 yr old who is very laid back and likes to raid. I am a fast learner and am seeking to find a good laid back raiding guild. I am looking primarily to do 10 mans but would be willing to do 25 mans.

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
I would like to start raiding again.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
I have experience in 11/12 ICC 10 fights and 9/12 25 ICC fight ( I do not have achieves for 3 of these but I am experienced with them rinces,Prof. Putricide, Valithria)

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
I am available Tuesdays and Thursdays and weekends from 2 server until 10-11 server.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?
No I do not.

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
-Halcyon Affinity- left for personal tensions and because my brother was kicked
-Corrupted Blood (onyxia)- this was my guild from my old server that was not making any progress in ICC.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
Yes I am. I understand rank tops sign up and sometimes you need someone with a different role for the raid.

Pick a fight and describe your role during it
Festergut- 1. spread out in room 2. shield/HoT raid and help tank heal. 3.When spores spawn collapse on the assigned collapse points. 4.Keep far enough away so that if I get hit with his bile I don't incapacitate any other people.

what is your gearscore?
5.8k (Disc spec

Most wanted upgrade
Neck slot- Bone Sentinels Amulet or Holiday's grace

No Response and has not shown up for raids.

Missed week 1.

Found out he left the guild a week ago. Locking thread.

Eternity isn't about the time you spend here, but who you spend it with.

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