App (Default): Murron: 80 Paladin - Withdrawn
App (Default): Murron: 80 Paladin - Withdrawn
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Name: Murron
Class: Paladin
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself.
I am a junior in college majoring in European History, minoring in interior design. I love animals, I work at blockbuster.

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
I am looking for a guild that can actually fill raids, that is still casual and doesn't raid 5 days a week. Eternity seems to fit that pretty well.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
11/12 ICC 25 (I hate Putricide)
5/12 ICC 25 HM
12/12 ICC 10
6/12 ICC 10 HM

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
Monday-Thursday 4pm-1am server time or whenever I am not at work.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
Archaic- This guild started in april and still has problems filling 10 mans, I love everyone in this guild, but I want to finish more hard modes before cataclysm and I don't see this happening in 10 or 25 in Archaic.
Halcyon Affinity- I left HA after my dad died I could no longer make their Sunday raids.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?

Pick a fight and describe your role during it
In archaic I do healing assignments for every fight as well as explain fight mechanics. For most fights I am a tank healer, I beacon one tank and heal the other, judging on cool down as well as shielding and keeping my flash of light hot up as much as possible. I use plea and wings on cool down and use divine illumination, divine favor and trinkets during blood lust. I use arcane torrent on cool down after i reach 90% mana. I use holy shock when I am running and often to keep up chilling knowledge.

The fight where my role is different is dreamwalker, I beacon the dragon and spam the raid/tanks, go in the portal stack as many stacks of emerald vigor as possible and repeat. I cast divine favor, wings and use trinkets during blood lust.

what is your gearscore?
5966 in my min max stat gear, 6007 in my dreamwalker gear, and 5946 in my haste gear.

Most wanted upgrade
Royal Scepter of Terenas II (or heroic Lockjaw) or heroic Althor's Abacus

get with me in game


Your spec is right...
Your details on healing certain encounters are correct...
Your gear is almost perfect for regular content...

Only problem I see is your another guy who plays a guy blood elf female... I'll make fun of you for that. Your probably a loud mouth since your playing a paladin (*ahem* it comes with the territory :p). App looks great, get this man an invite.

I am not a guy lol, I figured saying I was an interior design minor people would assume I am a girl.
This is warcraft... you know how many wierd fucks there are on this game? lol When you get your invite, come talk to me a week later and you'll understand completely lol. Just ask mepet about little boys and fred... Nuff said..

extrendex could not have said that better.

No that would not give it away saying your a interior design. Dont you see them TV shows? They got that goofy guy on them.
I have a question for you paladins. What seal do you guys use? Looking at Murron, she uses Seal of Wisdom and the glyph helps with reducing 5% of spell costs. I use Seal of Light with Judgement of Light on my Paladin as it helps melee to heal 2% passively. I've seen paladins use either but I figured most paladins now don't seem to have mana issues. Usually, this makes my healing meters rocket. Just curious what you paladins say.

Eternity isn't about the time you spend here, but who you spend it with.
I use seal of wisdom for the reduced mana cost, for most holy paladins any additional plus healing is going to go straight into over healing, so while it looks great on the meters to use seal of light, it is shit for raid utility imo.
Holy light paladins stack into and flash of light paladins stack spellpower. Holy light pallies are tank healers and flash of light pallies are raid healers. We don't stack sp because we overheal constantly. So seal of light is a waste for us but good for flash pallies. We use the old lubram and the seal if wisdom glyph because the whole fight we are spamming holy light.

Withdrawn. No interest/no response

Eternity isn't about the time you spend here, but who you spend it with.

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