App (Default): rahken: 80 Druid- Accepted
App (Default): rahken: 80 Druid- Accepted
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Name: rahken
Class: Druid
Race: Tauren
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself.
My name's Joseph. I'm currently going into my 3rd year of college at UCSD as a Computer Engineer major. I'm a huge basketball fan. I'm also a pretty laid-back guy. I don't get bothered by much, and I'm pretty easy to get along with. However, I am kinda shy, but I get more sociable after I get to know everyone better.

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
I'm interested in joining a guild that is focused on raid progression through icc25. I'm also very interested in the fact that the guild is 11/12. I want to help the guild down lich king and progress into hard modes.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
ICC10- 10/12 normal, 4/12 heroics
ICC25- 7/12 normal, 4/12 heroics

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
I am available everyday after 1 pm pacific time and I usually go to bed around 2 am pacific time.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?
I do not.

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
Halcyon Affinity - the officers of the guild decided to shut it down until cataclysm comes out.

Prophecy - This guild just wasn't the right fit for me. They didn't seem too committed to raiding at the time.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
Yes I am fine with sitting out.

Pick a fight and describe your role during it
My favorite fight in the ICC raid has to be Professor Putrecide. From my experience in this fight, the healing isn't as intensive as other fights but the mechanics are what makes it fun. My role in this fight is to keep the tank and raid alive. I also have to stack on whoever the green slime is targeting on to minimize damage. I have to kite the red slimes if I am targeted. Lastly, I have to dodge malleable goo.

what is your gearscore?
around 5.9k

Most wanted upgrade
I would like to get Trauma or Dying Light so I can finally stop using maghari chieftain staff.

oh an azn!

How is your boomkin gear?
Missing belt buckle.

You haven't gotten far in 10m icc. Just wondering why?

Have you read our loot rules and do you understand them?

Contact an officer in game.

Eternity isn't about the time you spend here, but who you spend it with.
How is your boomkin gear?
I'm working on it. I still need a little more hit to reach the hit cap and a trink. The rest of my boomkin set is 251+.

Missing belt buckle. (Yea just saw that. forgot i switched belts to get more haste)

You haven't gotten far in 10m icc. Just wondering why?
Uhh I got 10/12 in icc10 awhile back when the buff was like 15% but me and my friends stopped doing it. One of my friends just got kingslayer so we are beginning to run heroics. This week we were planning on doing a full clear with heroics but we only got 4/12 due to time and certain players.

Have you read our loot rules and do you understand them? Yes

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