App (Apply): xyhic: 80 Hunter
App (Apply): xyhic: 80 Hunter
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Name: xyhic
Class: Hunter
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
im pretty much just the sexiest thing that ever lived

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
main change

What prior raiding experience do you have?
11-12 icc 25 marrowgar bloodqueen princes fester rot PP dream saur gun lady hardmode

12-12 icc 10 10-12 hardmode exp downed i think 7 or 8 of them

Armory Link: (required)

Raid Availablity: list days and times
all week

Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who?

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving.
Left Blank

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?

Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking the Lich King fight.
lk md boss
md and tranq shambalings
kill orbs
md ragings
move out defile move in valks trap valks focues one
kill inside dude
md ragings
kill viles

What is your Gearscore? Also, tell us about your stat priorities.
6k agil is main focus

Most wanted upgrade?
back off gunship

Do you have any logs?

Have you read and understood the rules?

Quote by Application

Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
im pretty much just the sexiest thing that ever lived

ROFL so untrue.
shhheeet its so true

want to see my "O" face?
Only problem with you switching mains is that on days we don't have Soske as Ele we'd be missing a 5% spell crit buff and if we didn't have Rice on a day we didn't have Soske either we'd be missing that and the 280 spell power from Totem of Wrath.
i am all for the main switch

for one a boomkin should be taking care of the spell crit + a hit buff and not a shaman and as for the warlock well thats what happens when u rely on one player for a buff

want to see my "O" face?
Lol we've been looking for a boomkin forever so yea I know it should be taken care of by one.
We will discuss your changing of your main tonight. Your going from one dps to another dps so ther eis really no issue of losing a role. We will just be losing a buff. Do understand you'll have no dkp changed from your shaman to your hunter. Also you'll be reviewed by an officer to make sure we are getting around the same dps that your shaman puts out. I'm sure we will have no issue with this lol.

His hunter does lot more dps, he'll be competing with the other hunters no problem.

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