App (Default): Northelim: 80 Warrior
App (Default): Northelim: 80 Warrior
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Name: Northelim
Class: Warrior
Race: Tauren
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself.
I am 20 years old, my name is Leo and I love playing WoW and consoles games.

I am currently attending a university for CG Industry/Game Industry, hoping to work at Blizzard one day.

I love techno music, and industrial.

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
Killing Lich King before Cataclysm

What prior raiding experience do you have?
I played since start of WoW (Vanilla) Did MC, ZG, and a bit of AQ. In BC i've done bit of Tempest Keep, Serpent Shrine Caverns, Cleared Karazhan, Zul'Aman, and Gruul's Lair, and did 1st boss in Black Temple.

Lich King fully cleared Naxxramas, Most of Ulduar, Cleared ToC both 10/25 and did 7/12 bosses in ICC 10 and 5/12 in ICC 25 man.

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
Pretty much available everyday after 9 PM EST (6 PM Server)

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?
Nope I do not.

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
Just got back into the game, don't remember what guilds I was in ...

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?

Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Slam (If Procs) repeat with Heroic Strike when full on Rage until Bloodthirst/Whirlwind Cooldown is down.

most wanted upgrades
My crappy Mirror of Truth

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142 Unique Guild Members
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