App (Apply): Greaturiah: 90 Hunter
App (Apply): Greaturiah: 90 Hunter
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Name: Greaturiah
Class: Hunter
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 90


Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
14/14N exp I have all raid pets, and willing to learn at any given chance. Learning new tactics or approaches to raid encounters. Probably the only hunter in existence to like doing belts.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
As stated above I'm 14/14N multiple times. I first began wow in January and within 4 and a half months I've been able to successfully clear normal and learn my class, but still learning every encounter. I'm always willing to help those in need, and willing to take constructive criticism.

Armory Link: (required)

Raid Availablity, list days and times:
All current raid times are fine with me, I have perfect attendance to raids and don't plan on missing any whatsoever.

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving.
I was only given a core 2 spot that if we were lucky downed nazgrim, I out geared most if not all players on the team and felt as though i could progress better in a team or guild (because yes, if the trial runs smooth I'm completely into realm change and joining the guild.)

Our expectations of you:
- Know how to play and research your class.
- Do your homework on the raid encounters.
- Come to raid prepared, fully gemmed, enchanted, and stocked with consumables
- Show up to raid, on-time, about 100% of the time.
- Be able to communicate well through Ventrilo.

Are you able to meet these expectations?


Tell us about your stat priorities?
agi over everything then hit and exp capped with crit = haste then maserty.

What utility does your class bring and how can you use it to help the raid succeed.
I have every raid buff/debuff pet that the raid can utilize, even if we have all 8 buffs i have a pet that increases damage to boss by 4% obtained by the worm in storm peaks. I bring mobility to the table, able to move and switch targets on a dime.

What is your offspec? Is it raid viable? Will you switch to it to get a raid spot?
My off spec atm is mm, and I've fabled in Surv But it's not something I'd regularly use in a raid environment just because of my lack of familiarity of the spec.

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