App (Default): Booduki: 80 Paladin
App (Default): Booduki: 80 Paladin
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Name: Booduki
Class: Paladin
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself.
I am a college student majoring in MIS and Information technology. I have been playing WoW off and on since vanilla... I always do my homework before raiding..make sure i know each fight and what i should be doing when..i work hard and help others as much as i can.

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
I am interested in progressing along with Eternity through Icecrown, while getting to know a lot of cool people. I would like to find a "home" to start raiding new content come cataclysm

What prior raiding experience do you have?
ICC 10: 11/12 (LK to 35%)and Heroic Boat ICC 25: 4/12 ToGC 10: 4/4 ToC 25 4/4. Bits and pieces of older raids

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
I can raid 5:30 ST and on. I have finals next week but come summer I am pretty much good anytime till September

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?
Not really, just raid with some guys before

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
Hellscreams Angels-(current guild)decent guild however they don't have the numbers for 25 man and aren't recruiting as they should be..
Thambelinas Crusade-no progression or at a very very slow pace

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
i understand that it would not be a guarantee but i will work hard and prove myself and hopefully obtain a consistent raid spot

of course, as a holy paladin it really depends on the situation...I have just changed from a FoL spec to a HL spec..So most of my heals come from HL, Beacon, judgement , and my glyph..

most wanted upgrades
Just a few lvl 251 items

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