App (Default): angrymage: 80 Mage
App (Default): angrymage: 80 Mage
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Name: angrymage
Class: Mage
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself.
i am deticated to raiding and having fun, i am a very good raider that normaly will not mess up my job and... yea i just basicly try my best to do my job

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
i am looking for a raiding guild that is not only downing bosses but also preogressing and learning

What prior raiding experience do you have?
besides vanilla and BC in WotLK i have done 10/12 ICC 25 and 10 man

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
litteraly all day everyday it's summer now (for now)

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?
darkphantom and probably a few others

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
one blood i was actualy just kicked while offline for no reason i asked the GM and he never responded. i can't recall any other guilds really... but i normaly leave guilds by choice.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
yea i understand and theres always GDKP right lol

Pick a fight and describe your role during it
blood councile- start of the fight hard dps the boss with all CD's untill orbs begin to come out. once an orb has come out focus it and hit it to make it bounce back up and focus on the orbs untill the boss is down

what is your gearscore?
currently 5647 with 85 frost badges

Most wanted upgrade
ANY KIND OF NECK item lvl 226 neck... yea i havn't found a better one

Your meta is a Ember Skyflare Diamond. Why did you pick this instead of Chaotic Skyflare Diamond?

How do you go about determining your gear and playstyle? Why do you have 19 SP gems? How important is theorycrafting to you? Be specific in your answer.

What can you bring into Eternity? Why should we recruit you?

How do you feel about your class preview in Catalysm?

Eternity isn't about the time you spend here, but who you spend it with.
Weren't you in this guild befor?

Why did you leave?

Why do you think we should take you back?

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