App (Default): Vaukray: 80 Warlock- Withdrawn
App (Default): Vaukray: 80 Warlock- Withdrawn
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Name: Vaukray
Class: Warlock
Race: Undead
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself.
Well, I'm 17 years old, and I'm a senior in high school. I started a World of Warcraft in 2008 and I've been on it ever since. I play viola and piano and I'm fairly skilled at both.

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
I'm currently guildless.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
Not much.

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
I'm available for all times. If I am not available I will notify you a few days in advance of guild raiding times.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?
I don't know anyone in Eternity, I hope to meet new friends.

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
Mostly Harmless- We had a squabble over not being able to down Rotface(coordination issues) and the guild leader decided that was enough for her and switched servers.
Epic Last Attempt- Ridiculous loot rules.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
I'm fine, I just thought I would apply.

Pick a fight and describe your role during it
Uh..I don't really understand the question.

what is your gearscore?
5538 at the moment this was typed.

Most wanted upgrade
This is between my head, neck, and chest.

It doesn't seem you've been raiding lately and your raid history is rather week. Have you watched or read up on the fights. We are on Lich King at the moment.

Explain your gemming.
I see how your going sp and haste but you're not getting a few good socket bonuses--Leggings specifically, since spell power is your main stat until you break 3k spell power. You have a chaotic skyflare as your meta. Where are your blue gems to activate it? Your belt isn't gemmed neither.

Nothing seems to be enchanted besides your weapon and gloves.

Have you read and understood loot rules?

Pick a fight and describe your role during it:
Pick any ICC fight and describe your job. Impress me, by describing what you would do during the LK fight.

It seems you need some work and help with your gear and gemming. We can help you work on them. Since you haven't been raiding, we'd like you to read up on fights. We like exceptional players. If you show that you are dedicated and come to raids, we'll certainly take you in.

Eternity isn't about the time you spend here, but who you spend it with.
The reason for my mediocre gemming is...I didn't know how to gem(I'm not really that great at it now). I'm working on my gemming problems right now, I've already fixed my head and leggings as now they both have a purified dreadstone which activates my meta gem. It also activates the socket bonus. The reason I don't have any gems on my belt is because I just got it recently. As for enchanted items, I really have no explanation for that.

I have read the loot rules and I agree to them.

LK Fight
Phase 1: Kill Shambling horrors(Somtimes narcotic plague won't have enough stacks to kill the horror) while keeping my dots up on the LK.
Phase 2: Kill Valks/Stay out of defiled ground
Phase 3: Kill the Vile Spirits before the explode.
I'm still kind of fuzzy on the details but I have been reading up on all of the fights.


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