App (Default): Forha: 80 Shaman
App (Default): Forha: 80 Shaman
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Name: Forha
Class: Shaman
Race: Orc
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
Left Blank

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
I have been in Eternity many times before, and would like a stable raiding guild that does not boot for inactivity from going on vacation to see family.

What prior raiding experience do you have?
I have full cleared Ulduar 10 Hardmodes minus Mimiron, full cleared ToC 10/25, have no experience in ToGC 10/25, have 10/12 in 10ICC and 11/12 25ICC, (skipped Sindy). Attended one raid for Amon Amarth but was booted for inactivity from going on vacation when I let the guild leader know ahead of time. The raid I did attend the entire guild minus me got their drakes for Neck-Deep in Vile.

Armory Link: (required)

Raid Availablity: list days and times
I will be available for all raids for the rest of the summer and 95% of raids during the school year when it starts up again. If I can not attend a raid I will give prior notice.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who?
I know Forhlol and Tharsalis, and whoever was in Eternity during BC.

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving.
Amon Amarth: I was booted for inactivity
Fallout: To join Amon Amarth, it was only a social guild.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?
Yes I am okay with having to sit out, I know that group composition is key to success in every raid environment.

Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking the Lich King fight.
During the Lich King fight my job is to keep dps on boss and switch to shamblers if the ranged alone cannot get them down first phase. During phase transitions all dps should be on the images of a randomly selected raid member until they are killed, if more than 1 large add pops out, it is almost a guaranteed wipe. During 2nd phase all dps should avoid bile on the ground to avoid them growing in size. The disease stack should go to one side of the lich king and bile to the other so there are no conflicts. All dps should be stacked in the center unless they are infected with bile or disease so valkyrs do not have easy picks to bring to the edge of the stage. Earthbind should be dropped because valkyrs are effected by all movement impairing effects. During the next phase transition at about 40%, it is the same as the first phase transition. After this phase transition is over and you return to the center, you do not need to worry about valkyrs anymore, but you do need to have a tank kite the boss around the stage when vile spirits do appear to prevent heavy ranged damage, melee should stay on boss and ranged should be dpsing down vile spirits, earthbind once again should be dropped to reduce the movement speed of vile spirits so they are easily avoided. Repeat this process until 10% and then the LK kill is yours.

What is your Gearscore? Also, tell us about your stat priorities.
5755, hit and expertise are priority over all other stats, gem for them if you need hit/exp. after that you should be gemming haste if you're over about 5400 gearscore, because increased haste reduces GCD and increases the chance for maelstrom to proc, increasing dps in every way possible.

Most wanted upgrade?
My most wanted upgrade would probably be the Seal of Many Mouths off of Rotface, I am in desperate need to reduce my hit.

Do you have any logs?
I had logs on Amon Amarth's website, they deleted my application and the logs are gone.

Have you read and understood the rules?

why did you leave eternity?

why do you think we should take you back?

the gear you have on is pvp gear do you have any pve gear?
One month trial if accepted imo

I think this kid is like his brother and lives the cocky. Just my input on the matter

Yes i have pve gear. I simply logged out in PvP. I'm fine with the month trial and totally understand. My brother left on my character to help start a guild of our own, but that never works out so I left it because people didn't even show up for 10 mans.

you missed a question from june's post

If you take me back or do not take me back it's your choice. I don't plan on leaving again so unless my brother leaves on my char I'll be staying throughout the rest of my wow days. I think you should take me back because I've learned a lot since the last time I was with you, and I can unlock hardmdodes for 25ICC

Accepted but 1 month trial.

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