App (Default): rorvok: 80 Death Knight - Accepted
App (Default): rorvok: 80 Death Knight - Accepted
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Name: rorvok
Class: Death Knight
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 80


Tell us about yourself.
i want in a raiding guild that knows how to raid and i need to raid icc 25 now but will still do any raid

What is your interest in joining Eternity?
to be with a guild and work as a team in raids

What prior raiding experience do you have?
i have a lot did a bunch of pugs

Armory Link

Raid Availablity please list days and times
everyday so far but i do start school in september

Do you know anyone in Eternity? who?

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving
i crated one and the other was cus of a guildy was an ass to a friend of mine

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?

Pick a fight and describe your role during it
dps on every fight

what is your gearscore?

Most wanted upgrade

Currently have a good bit of melee so I can't guarantee you a permanent spot but if you come in and prove yourself then you'll most likely be invited to raids as long as you're consistently there.

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142 Unique Guild Members
1565 Characters (alts included)
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