App (Apply): Revitalies: 85 Druid
App (Apply): Revitalies: 85 Druid
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Name: Revitalies
Class: Druid
Race: Troll
Level: 85

Is this app to get promoted to raider rank?
I am applying in hopes of becoming a member of your guild.


What is your interest in joining Eternity?
You guys seem a little more progressed in your 25m raids then my current guild I'm 6/12 in 25m and 10/12 in 10m
I find 25m to be more fun, you guys also have raid times that fit my schedule.

Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
"Something funny" lol My names Zach I'm 20 years old I love playing my resto druid. I work in a bakery and i run and play ps3 in my free time outside work and wow. and I'm a mechanic i nthe army national guard

What prior raiding experience do you have?
Vanilla: none
TBC: none
Wrath: Naxx cleared 10 and 25m, Uld 10 and 25m, Toc 10 and 25m, Togc 10m Tribute to Insanity, ICC 10 11/12 heroic 25 9/12 heroic
Cata: 10/12 total

Armory Link: (required)

Raid Availablity: list days and times
I usually work nights until 9pm eastern I live 10mins away from my job so I have no problem being ready to go by 10pm server time being ready atleast 15min prior.

Do you know anyone in Eternity? If so, who?

Prior 2 guilds and reasons for leaving.
<Auspicious> horde deathwing, great people I feel like im being held back and wanna be in a more progressed guild.
<Under the Jolly Roger> alliace eldre' thalas, I left them before I left for boot camp, no other reason ecept I woul be away from game.

Raid spots are not guaranteed even if you sign up. Are you ok with this?

Pick a fight and describe your role during it? Impress us by picking a Cata fight.
Cho'gall help other heals with keeping both tanks alive keeping a special eye out when and if one of the other healers get worshipped which may cause a tank spike low.
Also controlling raid heals as much as possible during aoe and phase 2

tell us about your stat priorities?
Int is my biggest priority
Haste/mastery/crit arre very important
Spirit as for all healers

I always gem straight int unless I get a socket bonus of +20 int or if im trying to meet my meta requirement.

Most wanted upgrade?
I just want the helm off atramedes or the tier helm from nefarian its the only blue item i have left.

Do you have any logs?
no im sorry i dont i do however have a video of me healing.

What is your offspec? Is it raid viable? Will you switch to it to get a raid spot?
Boomkin and yes its raid viable i have no problem switching when needed. in fact some fights such as maloriak i go boomkin for the extra aoe

what is your item level
358 all epics except my helm

Have you read and understood the rules?

pst phagemage or arodicus to get your invite

wow a guild that uses need/greed. interesting. high raid awareness numbers look good in the video. our strat on chogall is a bit different as far as locations go but so long as listen to raid calls things should go great. as phage said pst me or her for an invite.
Also curious how did you find us?


character on Deathwing server. are you a server transfer? Not an issue if so just let us know when you transfer if not this is <Eternity> Dark Iron.

Created character on that server. No player found with that name. Checked armory. Character sheet not found. If you have server transfered and name changed please contact us in the next few days otherwise app will be closed.


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