App (Apply): Stryber: 100 Hunter
App (Apply): Stryber: 100 Hunter
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Name: Stryber
Class: Hunter
Race: Troll
Level: 100


Real ID

Armory Link: (required)

Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
I'm usually very laid back and quiet. I talk to people in guild during off times to mix up the things while farming legacy raids, dailies or mats. When it comes to raiding, I am very focused on what needs to be done. I am quiet in Vent/Mumble unless something is needed to say.

Raid Availablity, list days and times:
Monday 8pm EST - open (5 PST - open)
Thursday 8pm EST - open (5 PST - open)
Friday 8pm EST - open (5 PST - open)
Saturday 8pm EST - open (5 PST - open)

What past guilds did you raid with, and which bosses did you help them kill as a part of their progression.
Slighted on Runetotem - Archimonde/Kael'Thas/Vashj
Cataclism on Tanaris - Naxx, Ulduar
Government Muscle on Norgannon - ToGC, ICC

Our expectations of you:
- Know how to play and research your class.
- Do your homework on the raid encounters.
- Come to raid prepared, fully gemmed, enchanted, and stocked with consumables
- Show up to raid, on-time, about 100% of the time.
- Be able to communicate well through Ventrilo.
- Put the goals of the guild above your own.

Are you able to meet these expectations?

If the Guild/Raid Team will have me: Yes

Tell us about your stat priorities?
#1: Weapon dps
#2: Crit
#3: Multstrike
#4: Haste
#5: Versatility
#6: Mastery

What utility does your class bring and how can you use it to help the raid succeed.
The class of the hunter provides the group with DPS and with the Lone Wolf skill a buff that will raise a desired stat.

What is your offspec? Is it raid viable? Will you switch to it to get a raid spot?
My Offspec as of right now is BM, but will change to SV for DPS testing soon. If need be, I can spec into any of the two for the Raid Group.

Our raid nights are Tue/Wed. Your availability isnt going to work out. Appreciate the effort though.

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