App (Apply): Antiwarrior: 100 Paladin
App (Apply): Antiwarrior: 100 Paladin
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Name: Antiwarrior
Class: Paladin
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 100


Real ID

Armory Link: (required)

Tell us about yourself and say something funny.
I'm a college student currently majoring in physics and and computer science.
So a programmers wife asks him to go to the store and get a loaf of bread, and she says "if they have eggs get a dozen", so the programmer comes back with 12 loaves of bread.

Raid Availablity, list days and times:
Fri/Sat 9pm-1am CST

What past guilds did you raid with, and which bosses did you help them kill as a part of their progression.
I currently raid in cryptic with my main and am looking to join this guild on my alt, I helped them progress through 10/10N BRF and 7/10H BRF

Our expectations of you:
- Know how to play and research your class.
- Do your homework on the raid encounters.
- Come to raid prepared, fully gemmed, enchanted, and stocked with consumables
- Show up to raid, on-time, about 100% of the time.
- Be able to communicate well through Ventrilo.
- Put the goals of the guild above your own.

Are you able to meet these expectations?


Tell us about your stat priorities?
Weapon damage > strength > mastery > 15% haste > crit or multi > haste past 15% > verse

What utility does your class bring and how can you use it to help the raid succeed.
Double hands with clemency, an easy 6 sec stun on any adds that can be stunned, able to keep myself alive easily w/ bubble and other defensive cooldowns.

What is your offspec? Is it raid viable? Will you switch to it to get a raid spot?
I do have OS holy that is 655 geared but I hate playing it and won't raid with it.

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142 Unique Guild Members
1565 Characters (alts included)
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